Monday, January 23, 2012

The beginnings of Big Hair and Caked On Makeup

So, I get asked all of the time, "How do you get your hair so big?!" "Is that a bump-it in your hair?" "Can I feel it?" Based on that, I felt that it is time to start a blog so that I can share with you how I get my hair so darn big! This is the first time that I've ever done a blog, and thanks to some help from my bestie, Whitney Hubert (the blogging diva herself), I have started this one! I want to share insight into my larger than life hairstyles and some makeup tips too! I'm pretty sure that if I didn't become a speech-language pathologist, that my second calling in life would have been to be a beautician and beautify people every day (minus dirty people, that would be kind of pretty much just beautifying my friends every day is what I'm thinking of!). You might be wondering what makes me such an expert on hair and makeup and the answer is absolutely nothing! I just happen to LOVE wearing my hair as large as it can go and after living in a sorority, I became the go-to girl for helping with "poofing" (teasing) hair. And come to think of it, I'm still teasing my friends' hair even three years later! Now when it comes to makeup, I'm definitely not claiming to know a lot, all I know is that I really really really like doing my own makeup and other peoples'! When I get new makeup, I literally cannot wait to get out of the bed the next morning and try it out!

So...the first thing that I decided I would share with you is what helps me to get my hair so big and also something that people ask me all of the time - what kind of hairspray do I use? Let me start by telling you that I've (or more so my mother) been using hairspray and curlers since I can remember! It definitely helps having a mother who likes big hair and makeup as much as I do (I will be referring to her a lot!). So after lots of trials with all different kinds of hair spray, my favorite has to be Aussie Instant Freeze
Aussie Instant Freeze Hair Spray, Maximum Hold

My hair can have issues staying poofed (hard to believe I know! haha) and this stuff always does the trick! It's my first line of defense in keeping my hair large and in charge!

Bonus Tip: Keep a little hairspray in your purse or in your desk. I don't think that Aussie Instant Freeze has a travel size, but you can really use anything - it helps fight against those fly away bangs or mid-afternoon hair slump!

Until next time my large hair and caked on makeup friends!!