Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Soaps and Scents with the Sassy Sicilian

On: Bar soaps

Hey bloggers! This is the first of many guest appearances I’ll be making on the ground breaking ‘Big Hair and Caked on Makeup’. So first things first…introductions…I’m Sicilian and extremely sassy and that’s pretty much all you need to know. I enjoy comedy movies, spending time with my family and shopping at Walgreens. Wait, wait WHAT did you say? Yes I said Walgreens. This is where my obsession with face wash, exfoliating masks, body lotion and various chap stick brands was born. These interests were the gateway drug to bar soaps, which is the topic of this episode. So let’s get to talking about these elusive bar soaps.

Well, let me tell you, body wash is out and bar soups are SO IN! (seriously, even Proactive is coming out with a bar) I first started loving scented bar soap after finding some at a local boutique, Aspen Traders. There is where I bought ‘Zum Bar, goat’s milk soap.’ This brand is sold at Aspen’s and also at the Natural Grocers (on North Rock Road). It smells delicious and doesn’t dry out your skin. It’s moisturizing, refreshing and you can sleep soundly at night knowing you’re using an organic, sustainable product!

My suggestions are to start with the following scents: 1 sea salt (pictured here), 2 almond and 3
lavender-rosemary. They are priced from $5 to $7, so kind of pricey but completely worth it. I believe Natural Grocers may have a better deal than Aspen Traders. The website www.indigowild.com also has some fair prices, just search ‘Zum deals’ in the search bar. Don’t stop here! Natural Grocers sells other organic and deliciously smelling bar soaps, so experiment with different brands. I hope this has inspired everyone’s scent-ability hehe, until next time!

Stay smelling sweet my sassy readers.

Spoiler alert, up next: Bath salts

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