Wednesday, June 20, 2012

It's an Addiction

It's an Addiction

So I have this problem with shopping and it's called when I see something that I want (no matter how unpractical it is), I just keep thinking about it and thinking about it until I get it. Then, I come up with some rational reason why I just HAD to have the item! And while I know that I promised Janna Coglizer that I would write on some of my favorite mascaras, which I promise that I will soon :-), I had one of those moments this weekend where I was completely perseverating over an item that I had to have. My justification for buying it? I could blog about it of course! Now that I've built up the excitement for the item (which I did on the phone earlier to one of my besties Kim Roback just to see what her reaction would be), I will let you all in on an expensive thing that you can at least get my feedback before you buy it!

Drumroll please.....

The amazing item is........

Sephora by OPI's gel color kit system!!!!

SEPHORA by OPI - gelshine™ At-Home Gel Colour System
Okay, okay, you're wondering what the price tag to this little beauty is, right?! It's $159.00 buuuuuuuuuuuut let me explain what I thought of it! I'm a HUGE fan of getting Shellac on my nails because it lasts forever (especially on my toes) but don't get it done on my fingers very often because I don't think that it lasts long enough for how much I pay (about $40 including tip). I have always liked the way that it looked and the fact that it didn't chip or anything but the length of time wasn't adding up to what I was shelling out and I work hard for that money! I saw this about two weeks ago when I was browsing in Sephora (as I've said before, my own personal version of Heaven) and was instantly connected and mesmerized. After talking with the store clerk about it for a while, I decided that it was WAY too much money to just buy on impulse - right?!?! Cuz that's totally not me! Ha! I found a reason to go back to Sephora over the weekend - I know, it sounds like I'm a school girl with a crush finding reasons to walk by his house lol - and I talked to the same clerk who had tried it on her fingers and I told her that I was going to think about it (obviously not walking out empty handed - I had to pick up some mascara to try out for the mascara blog!). Then, on Saturday....I had to do it - it's like I was addicted to a drug and the drug was this set at Sephora that I couldn't get out of my mind! So, I came home and tried it and was floored by how great it is! I had a friend that said she could get me the UV nail light dryer at price, but I wanted to go with the whole kit that comes from Sephora, even if it is a little more expensive. I'm really happy that I did that because it comes with a lot of stuff! There are very specific and easy-to-follow step by step directions and I have really short finger nails, so if you have longer nails it would be even easier! The only thing that I saw as a potential problem is that the color does tend to well up at the cuticles (they warned of this, but I should have paid closer attention to it!). I'm finding myself constantly staring down at my nails because they look sooooooooooooooooo good! Even though it's kind of expensive, it will easily pay for itself in only a couple uses. It also comes with everything you need to take it off. I bought a coral color and a gold (the set comes with a color of your choice in the price - totally makes up for the high cost, lol). I can't wait to try the gold on my fingers and try the colors on my toes too! So I'm definitely happy that I found a new fun product and would definitely recommend this if you frequent the nail salon!

Happy Wednesday :-)
Keep the hair big and the makeup heavy!

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